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Ravana's Army

Now, the demons that made up Ravana's army were great, fearless warriors. They were confident of winning this battle because after all they were fighting mere monkeys. Drumbeats and the blowing of conches and trumpets signalled the beginning of the battle. The two armies charged at each other. The monkeys hurled trees and stones at then enemy and fought with their teeth and claws. The battlefield was a blood bath, but still the monkey folk kept on despite the loss of many lives. Ravana's army was shocked at their inability to fight off this puny army. Ravana could not believe his eyes as he watched his soldiers fall one by one on the battlefront.

Ravana decided that it was time that he took matters into his own hands. All his brave generals and warriors had been defeated and he had lost both his brother and his son. Ravana donned his armour and prepared to go into battle. Ravana's entrance on the battleground was a truly awe-inspiring sight. Clad in dazzling armour made of solid gold and encrusted with precious jewels, Ravana mounted his chariot drawn by four magnificent black horses. With his ten heads and countless arms, Ravana's appearance was fearsome enough to strike terror in the hearts of the bravest soldiers.